Monday, December 10, 2012

Final Portfolio

This was the book cover illustration. Alice in Wonderland. Approved.

This was an Extra piece. The colors were brighter on the painting. Approved.

This was my 3 image gouache piece. Approved.

This was my Society of Illustrators piece. Approved.

All of these pieces were a mix of gouache, watercolor, line art, and digital art. Alice was a redo, because the first one sucked. I like her a lot more now, she looks a lot more realistic and interesting. I spent a long time on her. I chose to digitally draw the cheshire cat in the background to add a more interesting element to the piece. Although it may seem that Alice is more illustrated and the cat is more digital, I feel it fit the piece because the cat is part of her imagination and through a child's eye, imagination characters usually appear more cartoon like. The next piece is my extra piece. I chose to do a concept of two contrasting elements; a modern looking model with a modern dress, and a natural background to create strong contrast. I really like the way it turned out. Next was my 3 image gouache. I chose to do a diet coke can, a shoe, and my sister. Both the shoe and coke can represent my sister because they are both things she loves. It took forever to do her face. The next piece was the society of illustrators piece. I chose to do a line art drawing of the Eiffel tower and a awesome colorful wash to only the tower. It turned out Awesome!!

Finals week.

You don't even understand our lives. This is what happened in an hour. You just don't even know. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Angry Asian.

Cutting off part of my finger was not part of the plan today. The things (body parts) I give up for an A. Better be freaking worth it.