Friday, May 10, 2013

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Hmm... What have I learned in Viscom 2?

I learned how to incorporate illustration works into designed pieces. Its different working with two different mediums and it takes time to fit them together in one cohesive piece.

This semester, I tried to do a wide range of styles to experiment with. I think I did well in that goal. I did some girly things, some cool things, ect. I think the 3 projects we have done since midterm show 3 different styles, which I like.

I learned how to print at printing services. That was not as hard as i thought it would be, but its something that has to be done in the 8-5 business day which is hard the day before it is due because most of the magic happens in the last night before it is due. This brings up issues of time management. I think I have done well spreading out the work so I wasn't doing a million things at the last minute.

I hit every deadline that we had. This was nice. It was good to know that I could hit these deadlines and not push it all to the last minute, because I managed my time well and it wasn't a huge amount of time the night before to complete a project the day before the deadline.

I liked doing the bottling project, even though it was a huge pain in the ass. There are just a lot of components that go into it, so it was cool to experience the different aspects that goes into designing it.

I shot a lot of photography for the past few projects. I think this goes similarly to incorporating illustrations into graphic designs, you gotta make the two different mediums feel cohesive and like they go together.

I think the Newsletter was my favorite project. I liked the color scheme I used, it has a bright and happy emotion that comes with it. I was able to ask friends that had studied abroad (even my suite mate) for high quality pictures to use and I was able to get a whole bunch of awesome photos that worked so well in my newsletter. I also tried to add some 'air' into some of the spreads, and I really like how it turned out in the end.

I think you should give me an A. On everything.

Come on, I'll make your brownies. I make good brownies.

Budgeted hours

Reflection over time

Brochure hours

Research: 1hr
Layout and design: 23hrs
Graphics: 6 hrs
Production: 2.5 hr
Total: 32.5

Bottle hours

Carrier Package-
Layout and design: 7.5 hr
Final art production: 9.5hr
Artwork: 1hr

Layout and design: 6hr
Final Art production: 4hr
Graphics: 1hr

Branding add-
Layout and design: 2.5hr
Final art production: 1hr
Photography: 4.5hr

30 sec promo: 3hr

Total: 40hr


Hardcover jacket: 6hr
Audio packaging: 6hr
In Store POP: 2 hr
Ibook cover art: 1hr
Total: 25hr

Final Portfolio Selections