Thursday, March 7, 2013

Me talking

I feel like I have learned a lot this semester, so far. I have learned to incorporate illustrations, such as the art that we produced in Illustration class, into things such as poster designs and websites. I have learned that sometimes you have to put down a project and return to it later. I don't think creativity is always constant, sometimes you get no where. Sometimes you need to sleep on a project, and you wake up with great ideas. I have found that most of my good (or I think good anyway) ideas and concepts come to me when i'm in bed, right before I fall asleep. I have learned that you can't let college life kill you. School will drain the life out of you, if you let it. Keep up with stuff, do your homework, but make time do have down time. You have to. Your body wasn't made for all- nighters or extreme stress. Sometimes you need another opinion. THATS WHAT CLASSMATES ARE FOR. I have also learned that sitting next to someone you think is better than you will push you to be better too. I don't like this- but when I first did all of my projects, I always liked them a lot and thought they were pretty cool. But every time when I look back on past projects, I am not impressed and a little disappointed. Every time I look at everyone's blogs too, I am not impressed. This is so frustrating. Why is my stuff not as good as the cool shit on pintrest? Why do I think something is good in the beginning to look back and realize its really not? It sucks. Something I have also realized, is that normal classes (not art classes), I never really want to do the work for. I do, of course, but I don't want to. I'd rather spend more time on my design classes. Like my yoga traditions class. Man, that class sucks. The vast accumulation of all the class work just gets overwhelming all the time. I feel like my weekends are not really weekends. And don't even get me started on this Spring break. EVERY professor has assigned MAJOR projects and shit over Spring break. WHY. Why can't I even enjoy my freaking birthday? Its not a break if I don't get a freaking break from this shit. Uggh. I have also just learned that writing things late at night you end up misspelling a lot and not remembering what you just said.
Something that I feel I have always been adequate at is managing my time. Or well, how fast I do things. I have always been way faster at doing art projects than my peers. In high school, I would complete 3 projects in the time my teachers assigned for one. They would always be amazed how fast, and well they said "good" I did the projects. I think its because I divide the project into steps, and will use my time very efficiently. I hate getting up leaving a project not finished. I hate it. I think this had aided me in some fashion. I can do more things in less time.
I have sadly- and disappointedly- not had any AH moments that I know of. That sucks. How the heck do you get one. Rusty. Make me get one.
Hmm... about my stuff... Well, I kinda liked my Herp poster. The colors are cute. I kinda like my noodle poster, I was able to make it look asian-like which i liked and was different from everyone else's. I don't like tests.

Random stuff:
I refuse to let stress kill me.
Chinese is freaking hard.
I hate rain.
Mornings have and always will suck.
I hate Carly's backpack that zipzipzips when i'm taking a nap. I'm going to burn it.
Carly froze my sour cream.
Blimbe's bread is never fresh.
I like country music.
I like my sleep.
If I have to ever dig my car out of the freaking snow again... I'm going to do something bad.
The loud freshman next door need to learn to shut the f*** up. I don't like to hear you have sex, yo.
I love to read novels. I hate to read textbooks.
I miss bread co.
The bread co soup in the sub sucks.
The Chinese food section in the sub looks better that it tastes.

That is all.

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